Dearest  M.E.G. Patrons

I never understood the whole hype around Mother’s Day until I became one.  Now I totally get it!

I absolutely love the planning and whispering that goes into the big “mom spoil” … which of course is put

together by the mastermind of my adoring hubby.

Its not the size of the gift , its actually all about the presenting moment for me. Priceless!

I love how proudly my little Leo ,, with his baby brother, Noah and dad in tow, will come and bless me with home picked flowers and a home made card and breakkie (last year it was a plate of marie biscuits)… and the big sloppy kisses and “I love you mom” … that instant is what fills my love cup and makes it over flow…

I love being a MOM!

Now, I know that many of your other halves may be past this cute phase of child rearing.

You may not quite get away with home grown flowers, kisses and marie biscuits… and so for those of you

needing a great easy solution to filling your mum’s love cup with appreciation and spoils, MEG, your favourite specialist skin centre, has the solution for you.

Our top 5  list of gift ideas for Mom this Mothers day:

  •  PURE INDULGENCE: 2.5 Hours for  R1300 : Full body exfoliation, Full body massage, Anti ageing microzone facial. And MEG’s gift to her is a choice of either an express pedi or mani OR the *NEW Stress Positive Eye Lift Treatment
  • TIME PRESSED REFRESH: 1h15 for R690 : Back massage and Anti ageing microzone facial and MEG spoils mom with a Back exfoliation.
  • Our Spa Pedi for R330
  • Full body massage with hotstones for tension relief R515
  • Purchase her a voucher for her choice of treatment or retail spend

So breathe… now you have ticked the box for moms spoil you can now ease yourself into mothers day weekend feeling chuffed, knowing that you have for once got her pressie well in advance.

IMG-20170502-WA0001    M.E.G mothers day FB posts  Bring-your-skin-back-to-beautiful-Original-Discovery-Promo-here-Environ-Skin-Care




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Pre Race During Race Post Race
Make sure you have had your last sports massage to insure that all lactate and last minute niggles are seen to. Be sure to stretch & foam roll post race Drink beer
Epsom Salt bath & remember the cold shower afterwards to flush all the lactate into the lymphatic system. Eat!!Be sure to get nutrition into your body within 40 min of finishing each stage,  to replenish your glycogen levels ( this insures you can get up & go the next morning too ) Celebrate the journey
Drink lots of water… & take a dose ofcal mag before bed If you are camping & not having post ride massage, be sure to wear your compression pants all afternoon & sleep in them. It will make a huge difference to lymphatic & lactateremoval from the muscles. Epsom salt bath &cold shower
Stretch & foam roll the night before &pop your compression pants on You cannot stretch enough & if you can get off your feet & get your legs up, do so! Wait a few days & visityourfavourite MEG therapist to relieve those tight & fatigued legs & body.Remember that your recovery is critical to have you up and training faster so do not be tempted to train too soon!
Remember to check your race bag has Spf, cramp tablets, small pack of wet wipes & sports nutrition.
Cocktail a small tube of bactroban into your bum/chafe cream. Trust me it makes a big difference!!

Good luck and enjoy every moment!!

That’s it for this month folks. Now that we are through all the public holidays, and business is as usual, we look forward to seeing you all in store.


Shaan and Team MEG.


Categories: Newsletters